Our PRocess




This is your story, so we need your help to tell it. We like to understand who we’re working with, and we’re sure you do too. That’s why our process begins with a good old-fashioned sit-down: spending time with you to make sure that we capture your story perfectly from the start. 

From here we’ll flesh out a fully-formed narrative, and how to bring it to life. Then we’ll work with you on the logistics and the details. By the time we start rolling, you’ll know exactly what story you’re going to get.



Once we’ve all decided on the story, we’ll come to you with all manner of visual inspiration: from documentary to drama and everything in between. This means that together we can find the perfect style and structure to tell your story your way.

We understand that you can’t alway take time out to observe the filming, so you can leave us to it if you want: we don’t need asking twice to get the cameras rolling. Having the two of us on every shoot means that we can achieve the things that would be impossible to do on our own, as well as doing everything more efficiently. Twice the story, half the bother.



When the cameras stop, we’re still only halfway there: crafting a story takes time, and so does piecing it together. We’ll be in touch the whole way through: asking questions, keeping you updated on our progress and, most importantly, checking how to spell everyone’s names.

Just as with the production process, every decision in post (whether that’s music, titles or colouring) is made to best tell your story. Then, when you’re happy that everything is in its right place, it’ll be all yours. We hope you like it.